I am SO super excited about the trips that we have planned so far for 2011! We will be traveling to our brothers and sisters in Arba Minch, Ethiopia in the Gamo Goffa region from May 26- June 6. We will then be going to beautiful Porto Viejo, Ecuador! These are both church planting trips with E3 Partners and Bridges Church. As many of you know, the philosphy of E3 Partners Ministry is that "If Mary can't walk to church, Mary can't go to church". Millions of people all over the world don't attend a Bible believing church because there is not one where they live. It is our mission to change that! Feel free to join us on mission for either of these trips, and please pray! For more information feel free to contact me at any time. Our first meeting is February 6th, 2011 at the Bridges CHurch office at 11 a.m.! Hope to see you there!
Check out our trips online @ http://www.e3partners.org/